by Diane Webb
1. I always focus on the good things in my life instead of the bad.
2. I never worry about things that haven’t happened.
3. I never think about “what if”.
4. I never think about bad things.
5. I always enjoy what I can when I can.
6. I avoid all things negative.
7. I never create stress in my life.
8. I always take things as they come.
9. I accept what I cannot change.
10. I change what I can change (when I need to).
11. I try not to be perfect (because it makes people nervous).
12. I notice the good in people more than the bad.
13. I never read people’s minds and assume I know what they are thinking or what their motives are.
14. I believe all things happen for the best (even if it doesn’t seem like it).
15. I accept my past (good and bad) because it’s part of what makes me who I am.
16. The future holds wonderful things for me and I look forward to it.
17. The present is a special gift so I take time to appreciate and enjoy small things minute by minute (sounds, smells, textures, sights).
18. I understand that when most people act their worst, they need support, compassion and love the most.
19. I stay away from the very few evil people in the world.
20. If I start to get stressed out or upset about something I tell myself “somewhere someone is going through something worse” so this just isn’t that big a deal”.
Stop Worry & Anxiety
1. I never think about things that haven’t happened
2. I never think about “what if…”
3. I focus on today and only today
4. I solve real problems but never imaginary ones
5. I plan ahead but never worry about the future
6. I can handle what ever happens
7. Whatever happens is for the best even if I don’t understand
8. There’s no need to get upset because getting upset doesn’t help anyway
9. I never voice or think about my fears
10. I am fearless
I never think or act as a victim
I never give up
I never give in
I never feel sorry for myself
I never accept pity from others
I take care of myself
I protect myself
I love myself
I have faith in my own abilities
I trust my own judgment
I am strong
I am confident
I am wise
I know what’s best for me
I am not a victim
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