How Bad Is It?
by Diane Webb
Sometimes it helps to put things in perspective. The next time you get upset about something try rating how bad or important it is on a scale of 1-10 with the following things being a 10.
1. Being in a concentration camp during the Holocaust
2. Losing your family & home in the tsunami (or another disastrous manner)
3. Being a prisoner of war during Vietnam or WWII.
4. Being questioned (tortured) during the Spanish Inquisition
5. Being the slave of a sadistic owner
6. Being a nuclear war/atomic bomb victim
7. Being left on an ant bed in a paralyzed state
8. Being kidnapped by a serial killer
Looking at it this way, locking your keys in the car is really not that big a deal. Not much is worth getting upset about when you compare it to a 10 like the 8 listed above.
Oh, wow, so true!