HELPING VERSUS RESCUING (in dealing with adults)
BY Diane Webb, LCSW
(Helping is good but rescuing is bad)
HELPING: Giving someone ideas or suggestions about how they might solve a problem or resolve a situation for themselves (they are still responsible for the problem or the solution)
RESCUING: Solving someone else's problem or providing a solution to someone else’s problem (taking responsibility for someone else's problem)
HELPING: It is always clear the problem is theirs and you are only offering suggestions or assistance
RESCUING: Their problem becomes your problem (and often they are completely relieved of the burden while you continue to struggle to find a solution)
HELPING: Suggests you believe they are capable of taking care of their self
RESCUING: Implies they could not do it without you
HELPING: Supports and encourages independence and confidence
RESCUING: Creates dependence and low self esteem
HELPING: You are free to say “no” or stay out of the situation
RESCUING: You do not have a choice or feel like you are obligated or responsible
HELPING: Causes you to feel relaxed, at ease, peaceful and appreciated
RESCUING: Causes you to feel tense, resentful, tricked, manipulated or taken advantage of
HELPING: You know it’s a gift from the heart and there are no emotional strings attached
RESCUING: There is an unspoken agreement that something is “owed” (emotional strings are attached)
HELPING: Is driven by compassion or unconditional love
RESCUING: Is driven by pity, guilt, manipulation or conditional love (you owe me something)
HELPING: “Here are a few things you might try”
RESCUING: “Let me try a few things for you and I’ll get back with you”
HELPING: “Here is a number you might want to call for help”
RESCUING: “I’ll call some people for you and get back with you”
HELPING: A hand-up
RESCUING: A hand-out
HELPING: A natural, human thing to do
RESCUING: A co-dependent, need-to-be-needed thing to do