Just a few small changes in word choice will make a huge difference in how upset you get over things that happen, how you feel in general, and how others respond to you.
Avoid using the word "should" (use "could" or "would" instead)
"they could go to Zumba instead of Zaxby's"
Avoid either/or; all/nothing references" (use "and" instead)
It's possible to love AND hate something at the same time
Avoid using the word "you" when speaking to others (mostly at the beginning of the sentence)
"I feel mad when I see the clothes on the floor"
Avoid using the word "but"--especially "yes, but" (use "and" instead)
"Yes, I see what you mean and I still disagree"
Avoid using the word "can't" (use "won't" instead)
"I won't take out the trash"
This is very true. Thanks for sharing!