Sunday, February 21, 2016

A to Z Coping Strategy

To keep your mind off of things, reduce anxious feelings, help you sleep, or redirect your self from cravings or panic attack:  Take the letters of the alphabet and in order (A-Z) name things, places or people you are thankful for.  For example, I am thankful for:

A-Alena and America
B-The Bible, Blue (our dog) and BACON
C-Chocolate and Coffee
D-Daddy and Desserts of all kinds
E-Emerson and Electricity
F-Freedom and Family
G-Georgia Weather and Gravity
H-Horses and Heaven
I-Ice Cream and Internet
J-Jesus, Jack and Justice
K-Kira and Koala Bears
L-Love, Liberty, Lyndon and Lucy
M-Mary Beth and Money for what I need
N-Nose Spray and the United States Navy
O-Ocean and On-line shopping
P-Plumbing and Pizza (not together, please)
Q-Quentin's Place and Quarters for the vending machine
R-Ray and Red (the color)
S-Stars and Supermarkets
T-Telephone and Travel
U-Umbrellas and Underwear
V-Vehicles and Vaccinations
W-Water and Warm Clothing
X-X-rays (but really I was thinking "thankful that my ex is my ex")
Y-Yeast rolls with honey butter
Z-Zoe, Zebras and Zippers

Saturday, February 20, 2016

7 Things I learned playing Sims

1. Close friends will become distant friends if you don't call or hang out together
2. All it takes is one phone call  for distant friends to become close friends again
3. You aren't supposed to sleep with someone you just met
4. Even if you are married your spouse is still able to flirt with someone else
5. Things always sell for less than you paid
6. You can make something and sell it if you need money
7. You can find something to sell if you need extra money (rocks, seeds, dig in someone's trash)

Friday, February 19, 2016

10 Ways save money and still have fun

1. Cook from scratch to free up money
2. Take day trips instead of overnights
3. Pack a picnic instead of going out to eat
4. Camp to save money on motels
5. Attend free events (horse or other animal shows/competitions, local community events)
6. Go out for lunch instead of dinner (same place, same food, lower priced menu)
7. Explore state and federal parks
8. Research discounts and always ask (veterans, employee, senior citizens, military, disabled)
9. Book rooms online and look for chains that have discounts you can use
10. Natural attractions are usually less expensive than man made ones

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Relationships

1. Accept what you cannot change
2. Assume good intentions
3. You really don't know what they are thinking
4. It's not always about you
5. Ignore negatives
6. Anger boomerangs
7. You are not in charge
8. Love is an action verb
9. They like to hear you say it ("I love you")
10.Truth without kindness is brutality

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

5 pieces of bad advice I've received from people trying to help

1. You don't need to depend on anyone--ever
2. You have to spend money to make money
3. It's important to share what you really think if you want truthful relationships
4. Brown and green are your colors
5. Trust people until they give you a reason not to

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

7 things they want to know in a job interview but cannot ask

1. Are you married or single?
2. Why is there a time gap in your work experience?
3. Are you healthy?
4. Are your close family members healthy?
5. If hired, how long will you stay?
6. Do you have reliable transportation?
7. Can you keep personal problems at home?

Monday, February 15, 2016

14 Common Marriage Mistakes

1. Putting yourself first all the time (especially at the expense of your spouse)
2. Letting pride get in the way of making up
3. Thinking every difference must be resolved in some way
4. Trying to change the other person (even if it's for the better)
5. Focusing on what's wrong too much (not being thankful enough)
6. Being discouraging instead of encouraging (always pointing out the negatives)
7. Speaking too much when angry or just speaking insensitively in general
8. Comparing yourself, your spouse or your marriage to others
9. Putting work, money, or other people ahead of your marriage
10.Trying to impress others or maintain an image
11.Living a lifestyle you cannot afford
12.Keeping yourself too busy
13.Not nurturing the relationship consistently and persistently
14.Talking negatively about your spouse or your marriage to others